Saturday, December 21, 2013
An Open Letter to Jared C. Wilson
Friday, September 13, 2013
Praise the LORD
There is no question. There is no suggestion. The Psalmist seems to both proclaim and demand it. "Praise the LORD!"
Irregardless of circumstance, feeling or, in a sense, faith: praise the LORD!
The bookend of Psalm 113 capitalizes the demanding nature of the one who has created all things. Is the writer joyful? Is the writer old or young? To whom is the writer specifically, in history, speaking to? We are left only with our guesses. But not as to whom we are to praise.
I find that in many ways and most times my caveats, logic, emotions, wisdom all seem to muck up the clear things about God. Yes it is good to think and reason and feel and express but God sometimes--probably most of the time--just says, "Son. Daughter. Atheist. Agnostic. Weak Person. Dying. Sinful. Smart. Beautiful. Wicked. Ugly. Praise me!"
How do you respond? "You don't exist!" "I can't." What do you mean, praise?" "Who are you?!" "No." or simply just ignore?
Not a mantra. Not a saying. Not a secret. Praise the LORD!
He is presiding over every ruler whether a family or nations. He is more than we may imagine; different in power, wisdom, love, yet, to degrees, knowable. "He raises the poor from the filth and exalts the needy from the grime." Why? So that they can be seated with those with power and influence and prosperity, of course. And they are not exalted among just anyone old prince, but the prince of his own people; those who may have scorned and made miserable their own life. The familiar faces would see and wonder at the change of life and outcome! God puts "the way the world goes" on its head.
He also "gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children." We know that in this culture and time a barren woman could be looked at as dysfunctional and broken. But God, who really could do nothing and still be good, acts. He blesses. He loves. He shows compassion and mercy and kindness.
"Everyone" the Psalmist sings, "Praise the LORD!"
All are called. Some will obey. To all, God's glory is visible, but only some will see.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
ignorant of his design
So which will prevail in your own heart: the design of God or the designs of Satan?