Wednesday, December 15, 2010


You bright light
You bright light
Some suns sloth to be seen
But you burst forth like a beam
You joined and joyed
I knew your warmth
Were we not walking together
Did we not help one another?

I cannot afford a smile
my soul is broke
I know what you forgot
You came and ate then left,
You were meant to stay
There was more, much more
But a heart-driven ignorance
. . . O your tears are life-less
Your teas are fools
Your tears are damned!
Come, come return!

The end tells the truth
All was a flux,
The words were echoes,
The difference a temporal gale;
How could we have known
There is nothing to be done.

Like water in the heat
Like a flame in the wind
You bright light
You bright light have dimmed,

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