Well it is that day again, the day which all bad things seem to have been building up only to all explode on again: Monday.
As it is Monday and we are forgetful and often silly creatures, here is a reminder of God's grace and power in addition to the hope he gives us to keep on keepin on:
'Christ Jesus came to save sinners of whom I am the foremost.' (1 Timothy 1.16).
This is the Apostle Paul talking here and he is not producing some false humility either--saying he is bad but really thinking he is not--no, he realizes he is woefully sinful and in need of some serious and drastic help from God! The Apostle Paul has no boot strap sufficient to pull himself up by; his friends who probably have way more obvious sins than he are not enough to make him good enough, his past accomplishments are simply not enough to mend a ripped relationship with the God of the universe . . but Christ was enough for Paul and Christ is enough for you and me!
Friend, are you doubting? Are you in depression? Do you feel that you are sinful before God? Do you sense guilt and hopelessness within you? Are you afraid? Do you know you are inadequate? Then you are in a good place, now good to Jesus Christ who died for each and every one of your sins; go to him and find your forgiveness. Nothing you could do will forever separate you from God's love, save that you do not go him through Jesus'.
We can be forgiven our sin and also have our guilt taken away because Jesus Christ died on your behalf. Believe it. Believe him. Follow him.
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