Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday is for Morons

God told Jonah, 'Hey, go here.' Jonah said, 'Okay God.' and then immediately went the complete opposite direction.

Later on Jonah was swallowed whole by a sea creature. He was fermenting in the belly of some beast. Though I like any proof, I'm convinced Jonah was swallowed on a Monday. It smelled, it was dark, it was like a roller coaster that would not end--he probably threw up--, maybe his skin was being destroyed by acid . . . it was unpleasant, like Monday's can be.

We can learn from Jonah. He cried out to God, the God who made the beast swallow him, the God of Mondays. I read a quote last week: 'There is nothing we can do to make God love us more' so stop pounding coffee and 5-hour energy drinks babbling to yourself, 'I'm a winner; I'm a winner.' You're sins are forgiven by Jesus.

The quote goes on to say, 'There is nothing we can do to make God love us less.' If you are a follower of Jesus this is true. Sin as you might, God's love still lingers like a groupie to her band.

We know that even after Jonah was spewed on the beach he still whined and complained and assuredly sinned. You may feel like Hell today, that is okay; God's love and grace and promise of the hope of Heaven, hope of perfection in his presence still exists for you.

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