Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday is for Morons

I have forgotten the Gospel again. I have forgotten that I do not have to sin anymore. I have forgotten that Jesus was forgotten so that I could be remembered by the Father.

Maybe you found yourself this weekend in places where sin seemed to be all you knew. Friend, Jesus died for you.

Did your football team blow it so you blew up at everyone? Were you the one who had the opportunity to forgive someone else but instead you chose to make them feel as bad as they made you feel? Did you say something that you feel unraveled everything you tried to teach your own, little, impressionable kids? Did you lose hope this week? Were you the one who knew you were going to sin, had time to not sin, yet continued on ignoring the EXIT sign? Maybe you said to yourself, 'I just do not care enough.' Maybe you said, 'I don't think God exists anymore.' . . .

Maybe you cheated on your spouse. Maybe you cheated on your taxes. Maybe you killed someone in your heart; maybe you killed someone and are going to be in prison the rest of your life. You looked at porn again. You got that abortion this week. You told your best friend she could 'go to Hell' then sounded happy and laughed the very next minute on the phone.

Friend, Jesus knows. Jesus knows and that is precisely why he died. Jesus did not die for the 'polite' social sins; Jesus did not die for certain kinds of sin; Jesus died to experience God's wrath on your behalf for each and every individual sin you will ever commit from lying to lynching. You cannot outrun God's grace, it is a tsunami, a treaty of kindness, a promise that will not be annulled or void, it is your shadow.

Mondays typically suck. I typically forget how present and persistent the Gospel is. I typically emphasize sorrow and not Jesus' success. Well Jesus died for our doubts too.

He tells us all our sins our forgiven . . . yup, even that one he has fully placed on his tab and paid for already.

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