How many times have you said or thought some form of this: I just don't see how God can do anything with this situation or I don't see how God can work this out!
For me, it is easy to quickly conclude God a bad planner when my life stinks. I'll have a problem and see no solution in front of me so I naturally think God has abandoned me and humanity altogether. Maybe you are not so untrusting, but I can be. God, I don't see your solution; and if what I am living is your solution, it stinks. Often entrusting yourself to God feels like riding on a new roller coaster blind folded: you have no idea what to expect and where you'll be thrown and sometimes you wonder if this new, untested coaster is going to break your neck or come off the tracks.
Well, in this uneasy water of God's control we read Isaiah 55.8, 9. It explains that God's thoughts are altogether different and better than all of humanity's collective wisdom!
This is amazing! It is not as though we are speaking Japanese and God only speaks French. No, the difference is more like comparing an ants ability to reason with Albert Einstein: God is just better; his thoughts are more and other compared to ours. Our thoughts are glimpses into his whole understanding; sparks compared to his universe of wisdom.
You may say, who cares? If you are a Christian, you should care. If you are not a Christian, you should care. If God is fashioning a plan superior to ours than we can (again) entrust ourselves to his care. Through the disobedient child, the tooth ache, the car that broke again, the lost pet, the broken relationship, the joblessness, the whatever your hard and frustrating life circumstance, through all of these things God is weaving a brilliant story that will ultimately end in making God look good and his followers being loved and cared for.
Remember how the in the Bible we are told that each human's life is so short it is like a breath or a vapor? All of time is a story, your chapter may look like total chaos but the end is coming. Heaven and the new earth are waiting to burst on the scene; God is ready to release the goodness and grandeur of his glory, for they are being held back like a race horse chomping at the bit ready to go do its thing.
Where we cannot see or conceive God gave us faith to believe.
Wonderful! Thanks for the encouragement.