Wednesday, June 6, 2012

trust in him at all times

‘Trust in him at all times, O people;

pour out your hearts to him,

for God is our refuge.’ from Psalm 62

From one man to a people, there is a cry to trust God at all times. David was learning that HE could trust in God at all times, and therefore was telling everyone he could to do the same.

I do not think that trust dismisses doubt, but trust embraces what is true.

Since Adam, God’s people have always forsaken God and disobeyed God’s commands and ordinances; David of all people knows this, for he himself was familiar with Israel’s long story and he himself was an active part in it. But he also is very aware who the key ingredient to the nation of Israel was: God.

If we look at the whole of Psalm 62 we see that David owes many things to God alone: soul-rest; salvation; security; protection; sturdiness; safety; hope; honor.

So what does it mean to trust in God here? It means that God will be these things for his people, that he already is these things.

David goes on to tell everyone, ‘Pour out your hearts to God, because God will protect you.’ Sometimes we view God as a mean great-uncle who is ornery all the time and has no time for our imperfection and idiocy. As if God is going to blast us out of the sky as soon as we cuss or something. But David gives a very different (and right!) view of God. He is a hiding place for our soul. We can pour out our heart’s content to Him because, as he says at the end of the Psalm, he is strong and loving.

Israel, as said earlier, is a great picture of what not to do. Yet God, again since Adam and Eve, has been kind and gracious and faithful. And we, today, can hear David’s words to trust God; to pour out our souls to God; and to know that God is our refuge.

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